Friday, October 2, 2009

Taking the World by Storm

For the one or two people that didn't know, Lonny, the online design magazine, was launched yesterday (more info here). This fills the slots left behind after several home decor magazines were shut down within the past two years. With all of the talk of print journalism being eclipsed by blogs (muah ha ha ha) this is a super exciting development.

I have a stack of both Blueprint and Domino that have moved with me many times and I even kind of created a scene last time I went home and found out that my mom got rid of a few issues that I had left behind... what can I say, I like my magazines.

Under the editorial direction of Michelle Adams (see her blog here) and photographer Patrick ( features by Eddie Ross (from that show on Bravo and this website) and Grace from Design Sponge I am really looking forward to seeing what they have to offer.

There are many great things about Lonny but the fact that I can sneakily look at it while at work and it conveniently provides instant links to the products featured for impulse shopping is probably a huge plus-- especially considering I have at least 2 months worth of Glamour, Marie Claire, Vanity Fair, Architectural Digest, Martha Stewart, Esquire, and Rolling Stone unread and gathering dust on my bookshelf...


  1. I took a looksy and really liked the first issue. It just isn't the same without it in print though.

  2. I will be heading over there asap! Thanks for sharing.

    I found you through CTB.
