Thursday, October 1, 2009

Weekend Outfit

My friends and I are going apple picking on Saturday. We will then go to my friends house for an apple themed dinner party while we watch football and drink wine. I am pretty pumped, I just am not sure what to wear.

Part of me wants to go all out lumberjack and rock a plaid shirt and jeans like we have been seeing everywhere. This one from Target is in the running, as it is my team colors and within my price range ($15- cheap) because I mean really, how many times am I going to wear a plaid shirt again...

Then I remember that I am so not a lumberjack, not a 90's grunge, and will probably look silly trying to look like either.

PS- are these shirts (and other similar designs) button-ups or button-downs? They are referred to equally and I am not sure what the difference is...


  1. Not knowing what you look like, I can't really speak to whether or not you could pull off the lumberjack look -- but personally, I think *anyone* can pull it off, if it's just jeans, a fitted plaid shirt, and cute boots. So, I vote that you go for it!

    Where are you guys going apple picking? I'm int he DC area too and would love to do something like that!

  2. haha How thought provoking! I call them "button-ups" yet I button from the top down when I put them on. Makes no sense.

    I think you should go for the plaid look. Remember last year when I picked up the black/red buffalo shirt from the little boys section of Wal-Mart in an effort to copy Lauren Conrad? I'm no grunger/lumberjack, but it was a fun look for the day. I think as long as the shirt is fitted you will still look feminine and cute. Just pair it with girly modern accessories and you won't look silly at all. Plus I like how you said it is your school colors. Definitely an extra plus.
